Ocean Nutrition - Giovanni's Fertil+ PDF Print E-mail

Giovanni's Fertil+

Product Description:
Essential macro-elements to sustain plant growth. At the same time Fertil+ will increase the buffer capacity of the water, preventing over-acidification otherwise known as acidosis. This product is nitrate and phosphate free. While the major macro-elements occur in sufficient quantities in natural waters, they are quickly depleted in the confines of the aquarium. These macro-elements need to be added on regular basis (weekly or even daily) to keep the plants in top shape. The recommended dose is 1ml per day per 100l or 1ml per week for every 10l. For best results, we strongly advise to use the product in combination with Giovanni’s Plant Nutrition Trace+.

  • Increases the buffer capacity of the water, and therefore prevents over-acidification of the water.
  • Contains essential macro-elements (including Potassium, Magnesium, Sulfur, Calcium) for a correct growth and development of aquatic vegetation.
  • Nitrate and phosphate free, the latter are found in fish waste. Too high levels will cause algal bloom.
  • Positive effect on fish and inverts, reduces stress.
  • • Prevents yellowing of the leaf tips and whitening of the leaf edges. Prevents new leaves from growing pale and yellow.


Potassium (K), Magnesium (Mg), Sulphur (S) and Calcium (Ca).

Available Sizes:

1026015, Fertil+, bottle of 125ml


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