Kent Marine Tech•D PDF Print E-mail


Product Description:
Kent Marine Tech • D Coral Dip & Conditioner disinfects corals and many other invertebrates to prevent the spread of bacterial and protozoan disease • Designed for all stony corals, and most soft corals. • Tech • D is economical to use, each ounce will make about 1½ gallons of dip!

Note: This product is a dip, for use outside the aquarium only! Place a quart (950 ml) or more of aquarium saltwater in a container, depending on the size of the animal to be dipped. Observe good practice for temperature, salinity etc. Add one teaspoon (5 ml or 1 capful from an 8 or 16 oz. bottle) of Tech•D Coral Dip & Conditioner per quart (or liter) of water in the bucket and stir. Place the coral in the container for 6 to 7 minutes. Remove the animal from the container and place in the aquarium.

Available Sizes: 8 oz, 16 oz, 64 oz & 5 gallons

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